Slate roof repair and installation

Would you like to know the cost of repairing or replacing your slate roof?
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Slate is a mysterious stone.
Many of the roofs installed in previous centuries were made from this stone.
Indeed, it’s a French heritage.
In the 1970s, this material enjoyed a resurgence in popularity among building owners.
That’s why we can see it all over Quebec, but particularly on the North Shore, in the city of Laval, in the city of Montreal and on the South Shore.

This type of roof can still be seen on road trips in Quebec.

It’s elegant, durable and resistant to our common Quebec weather.

The different types of slate that can be used when installing a roof

Basically, slate is a metamorphic rock that slices naturally in successive layers.
This characteristic has made slate a material of choice for many centuries.
However, it is now possible to use synthetic slate when installing a roof.

Genuine slate

In fact, true slate is a sedimentary metamorphic stone that sheets under pressure.
It belongs to the schist family, and is generally extracted from open-cast mines around the world.
When used as roofing material, it has a very long lifespan, up to 100 years.

Synthetic slate

Synthetic slate is certainly less expensive.
It’s actually a mixture of minerals, water and cement.
Yet its characteristics are very similar to those of real slate.

Similar in strength and insulation to real slate, it is sometimes used for driveways and exterior flooring.
Despite its lower cost, this mixture called synthetic slate has a long service life of around 70 years.

The price of slate roof installation in the city of Montreal

The price of a permanent natural slate roof fluctuates enormously, depending on the origin of the stone, the surface area and the slope of the roof on which the slate is to be installed.
What’s more, real slate is subject to North American standards, which increases its price.

Slate roof installation and repair in the city of Montreal

Advantage #1: Long service life

A well-installed slate roof can last over 100 years with minimal maintenance.
A synthetic slate roof, on the other hand, is less durable, lasting up to 70 years.

Benefit #2: Adding value to your home

In addition to adding value to your home, a slate roof adds cachet and elegance to your building.
It often comes with a 50-year transferable warranty, which increases the home’s resale value.
Buyers often don’t want to have to re-roof when they purchase a home.
This makes it an excellent selling point and a profitable investment vehicle after just a few years.

Advantage #3: excellent roofing for Quebec

Slate, whether natural or synthetic, makes a great roof covering in Quebec.
When properly installed, slate roofs are exceptionally watertight, offer incomparable insulation and are extremely durable.
These advantages make slate roofing a great choice for all building owners in Montreal, Laval and the South Shore.

Possible disadvantages of a slate roof in the Greater Montreal area

Disadvantage #1: Cost of a slate roof

It’s true that a slate roof is expensive compared to a metal roof or a traditional asphalt shingle roof.
Its price tag may be off-putting to some.
That said, it’s important to consider this type of roof as an investment, not an expense, if you plan to live in the house for many years to come.

Disadvantage #2: Limited choice of colors

Slate is a stone, which reduces the choice of colors available.
Indeed, depending on the shale quarry from which it is extracted, its color and texture can vary.
Slate is available in green, purple, black and red.

Since it is available in only a few colors, some homeowners may decide to opt for a different type of roof.

Disadvantage #3: Slate is a heavy material

Slate is a heavy material that requires a professional, well-equipped team to repair or install.
One mistake can cost the homeowner several thousand dollars, so it’s best to call in an experienced team.

Why it’s important to hire an experienced roofing installation team.

It’s important to understand that when it comes to laying, installing and repairing a permanent slate roof, it’s best to call on a roofing craftsman.
He or she will know how to follow the strictest work standards.
A team of roofers should be on hand for the installation itself.

What’s more, since the material is heavy, it’s imperative to ensure that the roof structure on which the slate will be installed is capable of supporting the weight.
The roofing craftsman and his team will ensure that the framework is suitable.

Slate roof installation in Montreal

To install a slate roof in Montreal, Laval or even on the South Shore, it’s important to contact an expert who can come to your property to give you an in-person quote.
It’s not professional or advisable to give an estimate over the phone, since the price of this type of roofing can vary enormously, and some roofs aren’t suitable for a slate roof.

Permanent slate roof repair in Laval

Whether you’re in Laval, Montreal or on the South Shore, our team of professional repairmen will come to you to carry out the repair.
Whether your slate is broken, dislocated, missing or crumbling, our professional team will be able to take care of it efficiently.
Failure to repair slate immediately upon discovery can be very costly.
When slate is missing, broken or crumbling, the watertightness of the roof is reduced, and water infiltration or roof rot becomes commonplace.

Maintaining a permanent slate roof

It’s a good idea to start inspecting a slate roof once a year, 30 years after installation, to avoid water infiltration or leaks.
The person responsible for carrying out the inspection will make sure you have no missing, dislocated or broken slate, and will suggest, if necessary, that the slate roof be repaired or replaced.

Slate roof installation and repair in brief

Real or synthetic slate roofs are elegant, durable and remain a very good roofing choice for the entire Quebec region.
That said, the biggest disadvantage of this type of roofing is the price.
If you’d like an estimate for a slate roof repair or installation, it’s important to contact professionals in the trade.

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6275 Rue Papineau, Montreal, QC H2G 2X1, Canada

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